Emergency Dental Care


Emergency dental care involves evaluating and treating dental pain or broken teeth. The visit typically consist of a limited exam done by the dentist, an X-ray or intraoral picture of the tooth or problem area, and then treatment as recommended by the dentist.

Emergency Dental Treatment may involve:

  • Root Canals
  • Teeth Extractions
  • Fillings
  • Palliative Treatments
  • Specialty Referrals

Dental emergencies are often pain associated with a cavity, a broken tooth, or other laceration or infection within the mouth. Treatment of dental emergencies can usually be completed in our office, if the treatment is extracting or filling the tooth that is causing pain. We can also provide palliative treatment, like prescribing medicated mouth rinses and antibiotics. If the treatment is more advanced than what we can provide in office, we are in network with other specialty offices, and are able to refer patients for care. Having a referral from our office is beneficial to the patient, as it allows them to get into a specialty practice more quickly for emergency treatment.

Emergency Tooth Extractions

Teeth are only extracted under specific circumstances. When a tooth is non restorable, either because it too decayed or broken to fix, or if it has a very poor periodontal diagnosis. Teeth are also extracted if the pulp of the tooth is infected, and a root canal was determined to be ineffective, or if it wouldn’t be financially worth it for the patient to go through the process of getting a root canal and crown. After a tooth is extracted, patients might want to fill that space, and tooth replacement options include bridges, partial dentures, and implants.

Emergency Dental Root Canal

Root canal treatment is limited to anterior or premolar teeth. Root canals are preformed when there is and infection in the pulp or at the tip of the root of a tooth. The root of the tooth is cleaned out then filled with a temporary restorative material. We can perform root canals on teeth that have two or less roots. The tooth that was treated with a root canal will then eventually need a permanent crown placed over it to protect it. Crowns for teeth that have had root canals are usually covered by MCNA.

* MCNA Dental is the largest dental insurer in the nation for government‑sponsored Medicaid and CHIP programs.

Locations featuring Emergency Dental Care

Dental Clinic at Main

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Main Clinic

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Locations featuring Emergency Dental Care

Dental Clinic at Main

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Main Clinic

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