Integrated Healthcare: The Benefits of a Team Approach

Integrated healthcare looks at the whole person when providing services to patients. It allows our Bluestem Health doctors, nurse practitioners, physician assistants, therapists, and other healthcare professionals to work together as a team when it comes to your physical and mental health.

Bluestem Health has been a leader in the implementation of an integrated healthcare model in Lincoln, Nebraska for years. Access to comprehensive health services through one organization gives individuals and families multiple benefits that improve their quality of care. You may be asking yourself, “What is integrated healthcare and how does it benefit me?” In this blog, we help you understand what integrated healthcare is and what the benefits are to you.

What is Integrated Healthcare?

Integrated healthcare looks at the whole person when providing services to patients. It allows our Bluestem Health doctors, nurse practitioners, physician assistants, therapists, and other healthcare professionals to work together as a team when it comes to your physical and mental health. Your mental health directly affects your body’s health. The same is true when your body is not healthy, that affects your mental health. That’s why it is important for your medical team to be communicating with each other and contributing to your overall healthcare.

Benefits of Integrated Healthcare

At Bluestem Health, our primary focus is the well-being of our patients. This means we are implementing processes that ensure our patients are receiving high-quality care through all stages of life. We are able to do this through integrated healthcare. Here are some of the benefits it provides to our patients.

1. Excellent quality care = greater patient satisfaction

Patients at Bluestem Health can find comfort in knowing they are receiving excellent, quality care through integrated healthcare. Our team of healthcare professionals provide a variety of services including:

Working collaboratively, our team focuses on each patient’s specific healthcare needs when creating a personalized treatment plan.

When a patient knows that all of the providers they are receiving care from are working together on their behalf, it elevates the confidence that patient has in his or her care. Collaboration among members of the integrated healthcare team provides better outcomes which, in turn, elevates the patient’s quality of life.

2. Convenient access to care

With our integrated healthcare, Bluestem Health’s patients can be referred to other specialists within the organization more quickly. For example, if a patient is being seen by their family medicine doctor who determines that person may benefit from seeing another provider for additional services, an appointment can be set up very easily.

3. Healthcare cost savings

Integrated healthcare can result in lowering the cost of care for patients. Sharing of patient information among the healthcare team helps to reduce appointments and prevent possible duplication of tests. Patients may also receive a medical diagnosis faster through this collaboration.

Experienced Healthcare Team

Bluestem Health has an experienced team of healthcare professionals who provide these services at six clinic locations.

Are you looking for an integrated healthcare team for your care?

Bluestem Health offers health services for the entire family and our community, regardless of insurance status. As a Federally Qualified Health Center, we consistently achieve the highest standards of care for our patients. Visit our website at to find a clinic or learn more about our integrated approach to care.

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