Bluestem Health’s Family Medicine Clinic Services

At Bluestem Health, we offer a wide array of services that include medical, dental, behavioral health, primary care, and a 340B pharmacy. Our family medicine physicians are highly skilled and able to provide personalized care to you and your family.

Family Medicine Clinic Services

At Bluestem Health, we offer a wide array of services that include medical, dental, behavioral health, primary care, and a 340B pharmacy. Our family medicine physicians are highly skilled and able to provide personalized care to you and your family. Choose Bluestem Health in Lincoln, Nebraska as your main family medicine clinic provider and receive our comprehensive services that are available at our five Bluestem Health clinic locations.

Bluestem Health Family Medicine Services in Lincoln, NE

Bluestem Health offers an integrated and comprehensive service delivery system for the provision of health, dental, and behavioral health care services that are client-driven, culturally sensitive, and family-focused. This allows Bluestem Health to provide the most cost-effective, preventive, and caring services to those in the community with the greatest health needs, while at the same time ensuring continuity of care and coordination between services. Our Bluestem Health family medicine clinic services include:


Bluestem Health’s family medicine team works together to provide comprehensive, quality care for all ages, from infants to seniors. Patients can access everything from preventive medicine and physical exams to immunizations and chronic disease management.


We provide primary dental services to the community including exams, routine cleanings, fillings, and emergency dental care.


Our behavioral health consultants work in conjunction with our medical team to help with mental health, addiction, and substance abuse concerns.


At Bluestem Health, we believe our 340B Pharmacy is a vital service for our patients. Without it, many of our patients would not be able to receive the necessary prescription medications due to the high cost for individuals and families.

Bluestem Health’s 340B Pharmacy can offer significant discounts, as much as 50 percent of a medication’s cost, that have been negotiated with the drug companies. Those savings allow us to continue caring for the vulnerable populations we serve in the Lincoln area and surrounding communities.

Five Family Medicine Clinics

Bluestem Health in Lincoln, NE has five locations throughout the community to make it easier for patients to obtain services close to work and home. We are committed to being the leading resource for all patients in the Lincoln area.

  • Main Clinic – Located at 1021 N. 27th Street in Lincoln, Nebraska, the Main Clinic offers comprehensive family medicine for all ages, general dentistry, behavioral health, addiction and substance use services, lab testing, and x-ray services.
  • Thompson Clinic – Located in Bryan Health’s West Medical Plaza at 2222 S. 16th Street, Suite 435, in Lincoln, Nebraska, the Thompson Clinic offers comprehensive family medicine services for all ages, as well as laboratory services.
  • Kreshel Clinic – Located at 3100 N. 14th Street, Suite 201 in Lincoln, Nebraska, the Kreshel Clinic offers comprehensive family medicine, obstetric care, lab testing, and x-ray services.
  • Health 360 – Located at 2301 O Street in Lincoln, Nebraska, the Health 360 Clinic, a partnership between Lutheran Family Services of Nebraska and Bluestem Health, offers comprehensive family medicine for all ages, behavioral health, addiction and substance use services, pharmacy, laboratory services, and dental hygiene services.
  • Piedmont Clinic – Located at Bryan Health East Medical Plaza, 1500 South 48th Street, Suite 412, in Lincoln, Nebraska, the Piedmont Clinic offers comprehensive family medicine services for all ages, including laboratory services.

Our mission is to provide our patients who may need additional support services that are not offered in other primary care practices, such as interpreters and diabetes educators. We want to enhance our services so that patients who need that extra attention are given it in a caring and compassionate manner.

Our newest Bluestem Health family medicine clinic is accepting new patients.

Schedule a time at our Piedmont Clinic location, 1500 S. 48th St, Suite 412, Lincoln, NE 68506. Call 402-441-6642.

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