Medicare Shared Savings Program Benefits Patients

Learn about the Medicare Shared Savings Program and how it effects quality of care, cost, and Medicare patient experiences.

Medicare Shared Savings Program Benefits

You may have heard the term Medicare Shared Savings Program but may not fully understand what it is or how it benefits someone who is insured through Medicare. Keeping our patients informed is important to our team at Bluestem Health, a Federally Qualified Health Center in Lincoln, Nebraska, serving more than 21,000 patients annually. In this blog, we help you understand what the Medicare Shared Savings Program is and how it improves the care of our patients. 

What is the Medicare Shared Savings Program?

In simple terms, it is a program established by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services. The Shared Savings Program encourages physicians, hospitals, and other healthcare providers like Bluestem Health to work together to achieve better health outcomes for individuals and populations, while at the same time manage expenditures and provide high-quality care to every Medicare patient. More than 13.2 million people have Medicare as their primary health coverage.

The Shared Savings Program is a voluntary program that provides an opportunity for various provider groups to create Accountable Care Organizations (ACO). In an ACO, participating organizations agree to be accountable for things like ensuring quality of care, managing costs, and the Medicare patient’s overall experience. 

The Shared Savings Program shifts the payment system focus from volume (number of patients being cared for by providers) to value and outcomes for patients.

  • Providers are accountable for a patient population
  • Coordinate items and services for Medicare fee-for-service beneficiaries
  • Invest in high quality and efficient services

How Does the Medicare Patient Benefit from Coordinated Care?

As a member of an ACO, there are a number of ways that Bluestem Health is able to offer our Medicare patients benefits through the Shared Savings Program such as:

  • You get patient-centered care focused on YOUR needs. 
  • Your healthcare providers can see the same test results, treatments, and prescriptions.
  • More coordination helps prevent medical errors and drug interactions. 
  • You may save time, money, and frustration by avoiding repeated tests and appointments. 
  • Better communication can help protect against Medicare fraud and waste

When you choose a healthcare provider like Bluestem Health that participates in an ACO, we help you get the right care at the right time. 

Access to Care at Multiple Bluestem Health Locations

Bluestem Health’s qualified doctors and other providers consistently ensure that anyone in our community has access to the highest standards of care. Patients can choose to receive primary care and pediatric services, dental services, behavioral health services, on-site pharmacy, and more from various locations conveniently located throughout Lincoln, Nebraska.

Main Clinic

1021 N. 27th Street
For Medical Services, call 402-476-1455
For Dental Services, call 402-476-1640

Piedmont Clinic

Bryan Health East Medical Plaza, 1500 S. 48th Street, Suite 412

Thompson Clinic

Bryan Health West Medical Plaza, 2222 S. 16th Street, Suite 435

Kreshel Clinic

3100 N. 14th Street

Health 360 Clinic

2301 O Street

Administration Office

2246 O Street

Bluestem Health is committed to creating a healthier community, one patient at a time. We put your health at the center of all that we do. Call one of Bluestem Health’s locations to set up your next appointment.

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